hello hello welcome to is it six now episode six I have no idea I don’t even
know what month we’re in we’re in the second season though I know that pretty certain it’s episode 6 welcome to
another episode of the offer voiceover podcast I of course I’m Michael and I’m Jen how are you doing Jen I’m good
actually I’m feeling pretty good um and I feel like I’ve been really miserable I’m the last VI so I feel like it’s good
I’m in a good place um I don’t know I things have been tricky it’s been a tricky couple of months and I feel like
things aren’t still perfect but I feel like um my head’s on a bit better at the moment and I am maybe coming out the
other side we’ll see but I’m feeling positive so let’s roll with that Michael and I are also recording on a Sunday
right now because Michael’s not doing very well so also it’s the weekend isn’t it so brilliant how you feel feeling
better yeah I’m okay this I’m not dying or anything I just on Friday well that’ be one hell of a way to tell
people it’s probably quite insensitive um but yeah I um yeah just uh just I
just suffering with the old little bit of man flu you know it is you know but no it was it was mild at best it’s just
that I’ve bruised all my ribs somehow on my right left hand side and that is the worst but that’s the St of getting old
though was like same you said it before like how’ you do it I was like I don’t know sneezed like I’m 40 now like so to
be fair when you called me though and said or left me the voice note saying you couldn’t record on Friday you did sound proper ill but it was it one of
those when you’re calling in working like I’m sick yeah yeah it’s like oh I
hear the truth now yeah my SES when naked so uh so yeah so here we are on a
Sunday committed to the cause going be full full steam ahead because going to have to do this today and then going to
have to prepare the trailer for tomorrow ready for the release on Tuesday so it’s left us no time and then we’re recording again on our super specie don’t telling
anybody not big super special secret episode that I cannot wait to share with every oh man could be a shamble but
hopefully it’ll be amazing it’s a big one it is a big one so uh so yeah so we’re looking forward to recording that
at end this episode though as well like we’ absolutely because things have been a bit dreary and the world basically is
on fire we wanted to do something that’s a bit more cheerful didn’t we bit more uplifted today cuz usually what we do is
we try not to overthink things and and like with this particular season we sort of think sorry made me laugh that much
we want to try and come away from like the traditional sort of like this week we’re going to talk about demos I mean everybody’s done it we’ve done it you
know we’ve covered that so we want to try and go a little bit more organic in the topics this week this this season
and um but like Jen said you know there’s been a little bit of Doom and Gloom over the summer people Qui thought you know what let’s just do an episode
where a we can get more people involved if they want to be um and B uh hold on B
goes after a don’t it Jing oh we’re going to smash and B
and B let’s just have some fun let’s just have some laugh and this is take
Serious the whole point of this the podcast was around bringing people together and those water cooler moments
and these are absolutely the kind of things youd share with peers isn’t it just to have a good laugh so I’m proper excited about this one yeah and
obviously off the back of the scams episode we put a little shout out on Instagram saying if you’ve got any stories or you know anything you can relate to we had a few people thought
come forward with stuff and we thought well let’s maybe do that again but this time let’s say if you’ve got any funny stories and I accept you know some
people maybe don’t feel too comfortable putting themselves out there but we did get a good response some people did respond and say they’ll do it and never
did which is a shame but um we got a good response of that yeah I kind of feel like it’s one of those I’m like you
know what let’s just keep it open like we could have like I don’t know just just a little funny story of the week yeah I’ve loved it cuz I’ve had a really
good laugh maybe that’s when in such a good mood just hearing all these stories yeah it’s been good so uh so yes we’ve got a few little stories to share little
clips of people telling us their little stories and jokes and uh yeah let’s crack on and then ourselves we’ll tell some so I guess well tell you what then
so do you want to start like do you want to go back to the beginning where do you want to start with it in terms of like when you kicked off your career what
happened or anything yeah so Michael and I have had a bit of a pre-c conversation about this and this is one I actually
still cringe thinking about this now so when I one of my first ever live recordings and I was so green and I just
didn’t know what the hell I was doing as I’m sure all bit like that when we start on WE and I did this recording with an
agency that I uh like a sorry a marketing agency Who I Really respected
and I did this this job and they’re really happy with it and at the end of the session we end did it a few times it wasn’t it was quite short script and I
think we did it three times or something and then at the end I realized I hadn’t pressed record oh no I mean had pressed
record at the start and then stopped it cuz I thought oh they don’t want to hear all the waffle not thinking oh I can cut this out afterwards because I was so
green I pressed it and didn’t press it again and honestly it felt like my
stomach was going to fall out my ass and I mean I think we’ve all been there to a lesser or more degree but like honestly
you feel sick don’t you has that ever happened to you when you done that um I have had a similar situ well I’ve had
two two scenarios I can relate to in that respect number one is where I was
recording and I had a problem with the microphone where if the um interface got knocked a little bit it create this
tremendous static oh God back through the uh from the microphone so obious I
didn’t know you don’t know when you hit record like sometimes if it was bad static you could see it on the wave for but otherwise if it was mild it was like
you know like if I don’t know what’s the um oh you know like if you turn like an old TV station there was nothing there
you that basically anyway so I did this whole recording session and uh oh just
other ones com to the similar thing did this recording session played it back and all that static was there um and
obviously then I had to redo it and everything and then just one that’s just come to mind then one that happened only about two years ago so it was last
minute.com I got booked to do this advert for Spotify for crunchy roll it’s
like like this anime big anime like Netflix anime sort of thing and um it
was the second time I’ve worked for them so anyway did the recording and I was
due to go off to Wales that afternoon so it was all super tight like we had the recording session in the morning at like 11: and I had to be on the road by
latest half1 12 cuz I had to be in Wales for a certain time for like an event thing so anyway for some stupid reason
right maybe it’s cuz I was rushing we did the session over Zoom we never used clean feed or anything like that and there was a couple of times in the
session where the the producer guy he was playing back the audio and again this is just purely because I was
rushing I just didn’t think it through he played the audio back as he was capturing it through his Zoom um
speakers or whatever wow okay whatever so I was like yeah okay that sounds fine we’ll do the playback and
whatnot anyway did the session sent all the files over and sorry did the session
sorry um I didn’t send the files over in the car and bombed it off to Wales oh
[ __ ] so I get to Wales I’m there met with some of my friends having to drink at this P having a p i get an email of
uh Justina the agent who she went uh client said they’ve not received the files yet I was like
feeling S I said uh no he recorded in the session he doesn’t need them he went
no he didn’t no we use zoom he didn’t record you needed to send the F and I just it hit me like a boss what did you
do what I’d basically done was because he’ played it back in zoo no no but like did you then go back to back from Wales
so no no no go there was no they literally it was 4:00 in the afternoon they needed it in like the space of an hour so Panic Station so I contacted my
auntie cuz she only lived like 10 minutes away I was like Mar do me a favor I need to go to the flat let
yourself inak yeah I said just let yourself into the flat get inside in front of my computer I’ll talk you through what to do so she literally did
P she saved the day she she went round I said right what do I say right look for this file I’ve saved it this didn’t have
time to chop it up didn’t have time to edit it or Master it down and said just you have to just so send it to me she
sent it to me and I didn’t realize that flipping static was over it as well just to make it double worse and it was just
like a compounding fear of everything that could go wrong was going wrong God oh no so I listened to it I was like
there is nothing I can do so I exped I truly am sorry I was in such a rush for some reason because you played it back
over Zoom my brain just thought you had recorded in the session you had it I just wasn’t thinking so I sent them the
whole file in full now thankfully because the static wasn’t too loud they were able to capture the audio and wipe
out from the rest of it so it didn’t damage it and the fact to be fair they didn’t even mention the static so oh
really but I was just like oh God I I am like sweating and I wasn’t even in the situation like it makes me feel so
stressed out if my auntie had not been working from home that day there was not a chance in hell that that would have
been fixed and I would have been yeah in deep for GS and all that oh my God but
what you did there that I didn’t do was confess so I didn’t well you have to be honest you have I wasn’t though I wasn’t
I would now but goes where are you she goes where are you I said oh I’m just in in a Poppin Wales having a beer and she
was like all right cuz the client’s waiting for the files oh god oh no that’s awful oh yeah it was sh like the
like the immediate fear and like Panic stations I can’t oh makes me feel sick but I unfortunate that I didn’t tell
them but I did record it and they have used me since that will go to my grave with them
but um yeah now i’ tell them i’ I’d fess up like I’m so sorry you do do it’s way
better there’s no point and they they would have been fine with it and but yeah I was just so new and but yours is
way worse God Mike that’s that was stressful that and what made it worse as well was where the area where we were
cuz it was so like remote the signal was like nonexistent yeah so I had to keep going outside wave my phone like I’m
trying to FL down a plane trying to get one bar signal so so anyway the pub they
didn’t have open wi-fi but I was like look listen please can I have your Wi-Fi password I’ve really got to do this thing like and I did yeah but oh my God but
like I said the fact that it had that static over it as well was like this is just not meant to yeah it wasn’t even like really good quality a not only L
[ __ ] you since I hope they have no they’ve not actually no but that’s no but that’s okay though because I have
still I have worked with Justina since yeah um this particular project to be fair I will say this cuz the first one
that I did I liked it but I didn’t think it was like spectacular and they still brought me back for the second the
second one was very good it was and I never got final edit which I’m bit gutted about but the second one was very
good oh that’s good so uh I’m not I’m not yeah I’m not overthinking it about that yeah oh that’s so funny but the F
yeah the first story before I said that one yeah so there was a time where I did record it had this loud static um and all I did was I just didn’t say anything
I just re-recorded all the lines cuz they were just like there were little taglines so it made it a bit easier just
to redo it all pretty much from what we discussed in the sessions like you know just recent they would never know the
difference oh God so yeah that was an exciting one what about have you got anything where like um I don’t know like
actually I tell you what should we play um Tina’s story I was going to say about weird experiences yeah yeah yeah absolutely
should we play Tina right so this not heard this on so I’m excited so this is a voice note from Tina Fuller uh she
does voice she’s also shout out Tina Tina’s great and she’s she does um she’s
a radio presenter as well yeah she sent me I’m going to have to play it cuz I can’t cuz I got on Instagram I can’t
download it so I’ll have to just play it through the microphone um so Tina sent me this story
about when when you think about weird experiences that’s happened to her uh while she been trying to do voiceover
and uh hang on is it this one I think it is this one I’m going to play it to the microphone so hopefully come through
okay when I first started out I was
on two times another issue with audio it’s playing let’s try it again so she start
she starts saying when I first started out first started out I was on the freelance websites and I I got you know
a reasonable amount of work it was good practice but I used to get a lot of requests for erotica which is fine
absolutely not a problem to record that sort of stuff at all but I got some really random requests this one standout
one was this chap who wanted me to talk him through the process in a personal use kind of way um about him packing his
underpants full of lasagna and ground beef in a very detailed
description um so yeah I declined I do think of him every now and
then and I do wonder whether he actually managed to get that done for him or not and then I remember I’m really probably
better off just not knowing oh my God could you imagine someone asking you to erotically
record the process of stuff in your underpants with lasagna I mean people’s kinks are
fascinating on they that say whatever proposed fee you had for Tina you should redirect that to a therapist all yeah I
mean that’s a really good shout I’m so curious to know how much he was offering I’m so curious Tina let us know that is
oh I mean I would feel definitely feel a bit creeped out wouldn’t you I it’s just it’s such like I said people have like
listen Everyone’s entitled to one whatever the Kink is you know go for it but just that’s quite out there I just
don’t I can’t understand the correlation with the the lasagna and the Underpants like yeah I mean maybe it feels nice I
don’t know like well listen you know you I am not going to find out let’s put it
that way nobody cont me contact me about that normally we say let us know and I’m
like you know what yourself don’t let us know um wow that I was not expecting
that at all but yeah and I think because we are so like we share ourselves so
publicly on here and like in some ways I’m quite private but you know we’re quite open as well yeah and it does
leave you open to a lot of random [ __ ] like that and some things that can make you feel quite vulnerable um and I know
but I mean Tina Kudos you that is quite the request um before we go into the next
clip as well from Steph um I’ve got one story that’s it’s only very brief does
it involve lasagna no it doesn’t thankfully but it was just it was just as far as weird request goes it’s the only time I’ve had one and this goes
back to the beginning it was off one of those um those freelancer sites was it it was
actually one called freelancer I don’t know it’s still going yeah now I don’t think this was meant for me personally I
think this was sent out to quite a few people because you could tell by the sort of the the generic nature yeah cuz
the it was The Way It Was Written was sort of The Way It Was Written was sort of generic so it wasn’t at one aimed at
one particular person but I got it nonetheless and it was basically this guy called I think his name was John or
Johnny something like that and it’s basically this guy was um asking for a
voice over to come and stay with him for a couple of days and narrate his
movements in real time so like you know sometimes you see these people where they film themselves go okay this morning so I got up and I thought well
he what someone stood next to him doing that what I mean but would was it lit you just the voice over for it you would
literally be the voiceover just walking around like uh this morning uh Johnny’s got out of bed this morning takes a big
stretch almost like a commentary but he wanted to make a real life he wanted to make a real life version of those videos
I don’t know if that’s genius or just hella creepy well it was creepy I’m I’m not going to stand in his bedroom at 8:00 in the morning watch him talk about
getting out of bed like Johnny’s gone for a poo and shut the door like he do you know what I’ll come back later mate
oh my God that is wow and again I’m going to ask how much was he offering oh
it was Pitt it was like I don’t know $20 an hour as they do on those sorts of freelancer oh my God but like I wonder
if so I’m I’m worried about the safety of the person that goes around to do that but you might be right to be fair
in terms of doing something creatively different you might be on to something I mean it might be genius but I just I’m not sure I certainly wouldn’t do it so
actually do it in real life uh no absolutely not so definitely not [ __ ] no
so next up uh is my adorable Steph who decided to share this story with us and
um so this is a story Steph shared about when she was booked to do a job for well
I’ll let her explain we will be walking you no that’s
Kelly Ste no that’s Kelly still we will be walking
K it right this is a work in progress folks we have not used this software
before so I love the fact that we’re talking about like gas okay so I had this gig in Paris in a studio for orange
which is one of the biggest french telecommunications companies that exists
and I was super excited cuz it was going to be public it was going to go on LinkedIn it was a corporate video but it’s still like for me was a big deal so
I was like Yay I get to work for orange get to the studio early I’m super excited I’m watching the French girl
record her version it’s going very smoothly I record my version it’s great
everything’s going smooth except there’s one sentence that the production company
and myself were a little bit hesitant on the wording so we were trying to rewrite
it nicely so that it would flow a little bit better from the French to English translation so what we did is we called
the marketing director at Orange and while we were talking to her she wanted
to listen to the videos well we were talking to her the production company was talking to her so they play the
French video everything’s fine they start playing mine and she stops them in the middle she’s like who is that an
American accent and they were like yeah yeah absolutely it is so and so she was like no no no we
need a British accent for this one and I was just like oh like Dread filled my
body I’m not going to lie cuz I don’t do very good I I need to work on my accent work I don’t do a good British accent I
sound like Mary Poppins just pause just pause out there right I’ll share little
something private does she actually sound like every time weo hello hello we
do that every that’s exactly how we answer the phone to each other most of the time any
just like hello hello hello that’s what I got so
uh there was an intern in the studio and she was like Hey I’m British and French
so why don’t I just help her with her pronunciation and I’m like Dread like
I’m sweating bullets at this point so I’m like okay let’s try so we tried and I am probably I have
never listened to that version but um I’m probably sure that is the worst voiceover recording that exists
today so I ended up calling the production company back and a couple
days later and asking them what happened and they said that normally they just choose the voiceover and they’ve never
had that kind of problem before and that now moving forward in English speaking
projects in the French Market they will ask if they want a British or an American accent so there you go make
sure if you’ve got if you’re working for a foreign client that they know what kind of accent they’re getting into or
just work on your opposite accent because it could come in
handy and not like me and sound like Mary Poppins or Dick Van
djk hello hello hello oh I can’t wait to hear you guys’
stories oh cheers Stefan oh thank you very much that I mean again it’s that I
makes you feel stressed out listening to it I I was thinking people enjoy this episode but actually if they feeling like I be just really stressed feel
blowing into a paper bag sweating on the bus um yeah that oh that’s awful but
you’d feel oh I mean that’s not her fault at all is it like but you know what she makes such a good point though
that well on two fronts that one make sure they definitely know what they’re getting but also it just highlights as
well that still in in even in large Productions sometimes that lack of communication put you such an awkward
spot it’s not your fault you know what I’m saying it’s like how could during that process how could they’ve not when we say English okay do you want English
English or or sorry English British or English American to not have that such that’s a basic thing most important what
simple thing covered is shocking on on a big production scale that’s not great and I think you know like Steph is such
a good voice actor but like put into that oh my God like yeah I’m not surprised she called and was like so
what happened to that uh recording well like reminds that time I
said one of the previous episodes that I was doing the visit Britain advert the radio advert I was all set up it was all good to go the audition got me the job
so knew exactly what we’re doing and then half an hour before I’m du to go in I’m sat on this table at this uh Corner
uh Cafe outside the studio in London having a little green tea I’m all like not not arrogant I’m just super
confident I’m like looking forward to this I get an email I was thinking name was Harriet and she goes oh we’d like to to maybe try something different can you
try maybe like a pirate accent I was like I’m sorry what I do not do accents
and it just the immediate fear kicked in so I had to go in there and the live session we had 16 people on zoom and I’m
just stood there and the studio which doesn’t bother me at all is a lot though it is a lot but it didn’t bother me at
all cuz I was comfortable with it but then when obviously the change direction decided they want me to try something completely
different oh my God I I can’t remember did you do the Cornish or what was the no it wasn’t Cornish no I just all I
kept thinking of was the SpongeBob SquarePants guy you know the beginning I can hear
you but what made no sense was the the scripts the scripts was like it’s it
starts going it’s time uh and then I forgot what the rest of it was but I was like where do this pirate accent come
from like what this make it more fun WR pirate though like that everyone’s got
such a different interpretation of pirate haven’t they unless they were thinking like but again a pirate accent
is not like organic or natural it’s forced it’s character based so to apply
that to a script celebrating the end of lockdown we can all mingle again I was like where does it’s interesting choice
isn’t it but I suppose because it is a character it didn’t need to be like you know spot on in terms of not going to be
like a really convincing American or Irish or something is from what from what I gathered was one of the 16 on the
session suggested it for a bit of fun yeah I did it all let’s really test this
guy let’s make him sweat yeah I saw about that Cafe look way too
cool confident are you we’ll see um but then in the end they agreed
that the the original version was was the best one but fing yeah I imagine they would do well you tried it you yeah
step she had one one she actually had one some similar a little while ago where they kept having this crossover
where they kept saying we want you to be human but like a bit of an AI spin yeah and she was like how I don’t quite know
what you mean and she was like trying do something it’s too it’s too AI it’s too human it was like and it’s just what do you want what do you want yeah i’ I’ve
had that exact thing as well recently and it’s a really difficult balance a few times actually it’s a really
difficult balance to strike between Ai and and human anyway that’s a whole other
episode okay let’s move on what you want to go to next let’s sh on your
own what have you got another of your own you want to showare uh no I haven’t
at the moment I’ll come back to you if I do um no awkward spots here um I’m just
trying to think let’s go to Tim cuz that made me laugh as well Tim good old Tim
right so Tim Tim Le I actually haven’t heard this yet so um oh yeah I made you
not listen to it so it was fresh well the same with Steph I said to Steph when she sent it through I said I tried not to listen to it um all the way through
because it’s like I like to be surprised at the same time me so yeah okay so let’s see if it works properly this time
if I clicked Tim and someone else don’t play one sec it was me first session for Global and uh I was all excited as you
would be and I got the script about 2 hours before and I set to work prepping it and finally the session was due to
start so after a cold read to my surprise the producer was were quite happy with the take that I’d done uh the
only bit of direction she had was can you see it Neer and I was quite surprised because my addiction had been
really good so I proceeded to do a second take so this time with a bit more pronunciation and a slightly less
Northern accent so I did me take and at the end of me take all I heard was the producer laughing I was like it’s a bit
rude I says oh what’s up and she said the company was pronounced n not NE t as
you’ve been pronouncing it so uh well after plenty of left I finally composed
myself and a third take ued that absolutely cracked me up I
think he must have been pronouncing it Neta or something and the fact that she said Nita and yeah I can just imagine
that happening to me as well and then bless him um yeah really made me laugh I had um there was one it’s not quite the
same as Tims but in terms of just like a name thing so back in the day when a started out I actually came across you
know we talked last week about did we talk last week about our first jobs or anything can’t remember if we did not last week we had them previous I came I
came across one of the very first voiceovers that I did very try and play it oh hell yeah I can’t get it through
I’ll have to um I don’t know how it’s going to work actually CU I can’t get it through the software um phone yeah I
could actually yeah so basically that’s good show you so just before I play this actually so
what happened was back in the day like 200 when I first di my into voiceover 2017 it was 2018 that I start was like
right I’m all in and partner I had at the time we did like a bit of a Duo thing where she was like able to use
software to make um explain animations and I just do like the voiceover we was selling them as a package to like some
of the old finance companies I used to work with so we had this company and uh they bought like they bought a pensions
one and they bought um there was a pension claim one or something like that and there was another one anyway so we
we gave the we I wrote the script uh she did the um she did the little animation and whatnot and um we gave we gave the
name of the character and the pensions one called Peter so we sent the recording off and like with the animation they loved it and this part of
this the video where they’re talking about his claim process and like how
what they do is they went to get Peter’s file and I got got a voice note off the guy because I’ve known him for years
laughing his head off hey what’s up any went I think you should maybe change the name from Peter Cuz when you say it too
quickly it doesn’t sound right and when petophile oh oh my
God that was such an oversight so yeah like can you change to something else like cuz otherwise your peter file
doesn’t oh my God I when you tell that story I did not think that was it going to be the ending oh yeah that’s not good
oh my God yeah but um if I can find it it’s taking ages to
find if I can come back to it later on in the show I will yeah um but yeah for
on that one yeah thank you Tim you know what I reckoned it’s time
for not such a good in it’s
time it is time for voice over of the week
yay that my favorite thing right okay this week it’s my
turn uh this week I have picked someone who is known for for his excellent work
um but I just could not help pick this one because I loved it so much for just how well he performs it with his voice
manipulation and also there’s just a bit of unexpected switch to a little bit of humor in there and it’s just I feel like
it’s got a lot uh and this week is none other than Mr Scott tonic y Scott you
are my voiceover of the week uh the project that you have done for
or cuz I lost the name of it Tavern keeper there we go yeah it’s a trailer
it’s a trailer for the game Tav keeper and I just loved it and we’re going to play a s short segment of it in a minute
um immediately when you hear it you don’t immediately realize that that’s Scott’s voice Scott you know he’s uh I’ve always
told him how much I enjoy his work but this I thought was just fantastic so Scott for this week you are my voice over the week mate well deserved and
this is a short snippet in a land of fantasy and
fables where Legends are forged and Hidden Treasures
Corners oh it’s so good I absolutely love it brilliant in it really really good I just
it Scott is annoyingly talented I’ve said it before I’ll say it again it’s so good but yeah I love that switch up it’s
just really funny it’s clever yeah and it’s entertaining it’s clever and you know and it does it’s one of those ones
where it does what it needs to do really really well you know to me it’s there’s a definite skill I think to doing
trailers like there’s a real different sound than if it’s like in play game in game playay um yeah so well done and
this is a call out as well for people to keep sharing their work on the Instagram as well um this week there wasn’t uh
there wasn’t loads and we know how talented you all are so just put your voices out there and we’ll we’ll do what
we can to try and share them yeah okay so I think we should go to um
one of Kelly now should start with the explainer Kelly oh so these are oh I don’t is that one or two I’ve only
labeled it one it’s called explainer I’ve just got one or two we’ll figure
out okay so tell you what this is an explainer so basically Kelly has very kindly shared two outakes and both of
these um she’ put towards the one voice category that is round out takes I think
sorry to interrupt you Kelly has actually recorded an intro yeah I just couldn’t upload it to the software because it was a voice note it wasn’t an
MP3 format do you want to play the voice note can you play the voice note through your phone yes you can introduce I can give it a go B me one second
please yeah she definitely explains it better than I I was attempting
okay we go so at the one voice Awards there’s always the outake category and I
enter it every year I don’t quite know what that says about me and my ability
to be a voice over but I’m desperate to win it um and every year I have something that I can enter into the
outtake category um and I think it’s just a nice reminder that we all make mistakes and that’s okay it doesn’t
always have to be perfect that’s what I keep telling myself so here’s a a couple
of them for you well said Kelly well said okay so here’s the first
one we will be walking you through steel stillages a steel
stillage I found this on the no [ __ ] off don’t find anything on the [ __ ] web
I’m trying to do a voice over on steel stillages okay I’ve turned voice over on
no I don’t want voice over accessibility no stop TW
no I [ __ ] off AI I mean steel stillages is a difficult
one at the best of [Laughter] times he’s like when you see these old
videos when it first started out was like Alexa play music okay I’ve added tea bags to your shopping list like what
are you all about oh dear oh God that’s good all
right okay should go straight to the next one yeah K number two here we go Roger federa is
arguably arguably arguably Roger federa is argu argu argu arguably arguably
oh argu arguably arguably arguably arguably
arguably Roger federa is [Laughter]
arguably arguably that’s tough in it oh and that
some words really get like that and then you keep repeating them and you’re like it loses all sense of meaning so you’re like what is the actual word I’ve
actually had to go out and ask my husband like how do you say this word cuz I don’t know anymore yeah it can be
tough and I think I I I shared one the other day that I did um I was just trying to find it then I was listening
but I can’t but it’s it was similar sort of thing you just keep tripping over these words and when I say it normally whatever the sentence was it’s like that
shouldn’t be so difficult the problem is I feel like it’s the other words that built up around it that make it difficult it’s not not those specific
words themselves where your mouth is at that moment right it’s the whole sentence yeah so sorry I was going to I was going to
um Kelly sent one more on her tic [Laughter]
tac she came flying in on a Tic Tac on her Tik Tock um which is really
funny that is you know what that is exactly what that’s what your grandparents would say like TI
Tac yeah okay so I’m just going to share
a little bit of this cuz is really funny but I well not [ __ ] not [ __ ] he
not [ __ ] oh okay this is like the 20y of
time we only need one take a bit the client isn’t on the line by the way this is a recording sent to them so don’t
[Applause] I need to put pause in there a hot chocolate for flap [ __ ]
Dicky so it’s Flap Jack dipping but she couldn’t quite make it
there I said it that with Flap Jack Flap Jack yeah it’s a really hard one I Flap
Jack Flap Jack dipping yeah that is aot chocolate for Flap Jack dipping a hot ch
chocolate for Flapjack dipping that that is that Tes that is a tough one you need to work on that yeah you like that’s
that’s the kind of thing we use to warm up or mouths to try and work on stuff I got to be honest I got tears one down
face now I got to be honest though the um I I need to work a bit harder on the warm-ups I I fully acknowledge that like
I do them but I don’t do them to the full extent where Stephanie there she’s there with like la like full warm-ups
and I’m just like okay ready to go you would be your Batman that’s quite good isn’t it oh yeah I’m ready yeah I
SP to tell you what the quick side quest so that bet Fair bet fair that bet Fred the rugby promo came out it was quite a surreal moment so we put the um it’s so
good we put the uh the what’s this on Sky Sports yesterday and it was the very first thing that played on Sky Sports at
5:00 when the rugby started I was like it never gets old does it when you do something and you see it on that sort of
platform like it doesn’t matter how many years you’ve been doing it when you when you see something like that especially when you’re proud of it and you see breath blasted out on Sky Sports was
like yeah it was a good feeling that but amazing that is one of my like things I’m working towards so I’ve done one TV
ad but it was only like it wasn’t to wasn’t National so I’ve not seen it so people send me recordings like very bad
recordings of it um but I’ve not seen it myself and i’ love that one day I love hearing myself on the radio it’s the
same me for Vinted oh yeah you’re still looking gab gab sent gab saw it on TV
when it came out she did like a bit of a recording but I’ve never seen it but yeah but yeah really special yesterday
yeah I loved it yeah was I’m proud of that one um so I’ve I’ve just got one more thing I’m just going to say in
terms of like it’s not so much of a tongue twist there but it’s more of a a Mis Mis understanding and
communication so this is this is to do with an email I sent with auto
correct and basically I’d um sent an email i’ I’d received an email from
somebody um this is gone back a while ago who wanted to work with me and um I’d sent an email back and like it could
have been like a decent project or whatever and um I sent the email back and then I hadn’t heard anything for a
couple of days and I looked I was like I thought you know they contacted me first like I thought you know anyway so I just
looked and lo and behold the the email that I’d sent them was stuck in the
outbox had never been actually delivered I was like oh [ __ ] so I was
like so just like you should do panicking I did it on my phone was like Hey such and such I’m just um sorry that
um I’ve just realized that the last email that I sent you was stuck in my outbox stuck in my outbox very sorry
please see above the uh initial reply bang send what I didn’t realize was actually what she got was
hey such and such sorry I didn’t realize your your email was stuck in my pubes what it had changed the word
outbox to pubes on how how would you spell outbox for that to happen I don’t
know I do oh my god did she ever get back to you no never heard but
obviously I followed it up with just like oh laugh I’m very sorry whatever heard nothing no listen you know what
that’s fine some people may not have a sense of humor it was obviously a mistake I am not I am not going to make
a joke in that sort of regard on purpose oh no no that would be so crass can you imagine I think I’ve mentioned this
before but I had a similar situation it was a previous job that i’ worked at and I was like an office manager recruitment agency and we were up for some fancy
Awards and I was sending out trying to get nominations to I don’t know 3,000 clients that we had and I was doing like
we had this award thing and I shared the link and I put lick here instead of click here and the amount of people that
got back to me were like do you actually want us to lick the screen um I think it helped us in the end actually because it
made them laugh but lick here I was more SOI do you know what makes right there’s the truth as well you know you see these
like Facebook posts where it says like uh double tap the screen to see what really happens on a on an image and
so many people compelled like I know BS I fa Facebook in the history of Facebook
has never had an image that suddenly moves when you double click it but oh go on then
like and you know for a fact there is a small percentage of people went I’ll just lick it you never
know lick the screen oh I hope so oh like it’s been so
much fun this has been a great episode I wish you could do every episode like this i’ laugh so much brilliant it was
really good for I’m glad them thanks so much for those that contributed and also for those that offer to contribute when never got around to it
um by all means feel free to do so in the future we will absolutely I think we’ll keep an open book on this one and maybe do it again yeah definitely I I’ve
I’ve L had tears one was fantastic yeah it’s been so much fun that was great fun so yeah so uh hope you enjoyed it folks
got a few Smiles out of it um if you like I say if you want to if you want to contribute your own in the future feel free to do yeah that’ be hilarious
please we want to be get as many people involved as poss and yeah we uh we are super excited about the episode we can
share with you coming out next no week on Tuesday right I’m gonna get this right so when this goes out on Tuesday
it’ll be Vox on Friday correct okay good so I’m very much looking forward to seeing people there if you do see us
there and you listen to the podcast come well you don’t have to listen to the podcast come and say hello come and say hi we’d love to meet you um you got your
timing about this time because when this goes out the thing you’re talking about still is due to happen it’s still going to happen isn’t it this is the first
time ever been correct um yeah I’m really it please yeah come say hi be really nice to have these conversations
in person amazing all right well that’ll be that then so thanks for listening folks and we’ll see you next week fol