Season 2 Christmas Special - Twixmas


Welcome to this one off, unplanned, no idea where we were going with it, Christmas Episode!

We decided to just hit record and we covered the year in general, ideas for the next year, future plans fo the Podcast, and Michael finally gets something off his chest….

Thanks to everyone who has been part of the podcast so far, be it guests or followers, who share and interact with us, it means the world to us and have loved the journey

Hope you all had an excellent Christmas and we’ll see you in the New Year…

Michael & Jen



hello and welcome to a little Christmas special of the fa voice over podcast my
name of course is Michael and I’m Jen and this is totally impromptu we have
normally we have like you know last minute plan yeah a few little bullet points or like talking points and we just go off on our little Journeys from
there but we’ve got nothing literally nothing so we’re just going to hit record and just see what the next half
an hour looks like I feel like I apologize in advance for any mental swear in or off tangent conversations
yeah well it’s Christmas so if those of you watching you’ll see that I am dressed appropriately as I as am I but
yours is slightly more amusing I’ll give you that yeah I look like a budget drag queen but
uh I tried Shak my head so yeah so uh I haven’t seen you for I hav spons you for
ages really so I know it really was like we cut ties didn’t we I what I’m going to do I’m just I’m going to take this tinsel off cuz I can tell it’s going to
be sweating in your tin rustling away got myself trapped here what on here now hang on where’s that
go is that for anybody who can’t see Michael he is wrapped in a bit of tinsel that is
rustling quite a lot actually to fair play he’s now untangled from the tinsel I’ve taken the customary selfie I’ll
stick it on the socials later so my time is done with the the dress up so yes go
what’s been happening ah uh wow straight in um not a lot I would say so I’d been
uh quite open about um I don’t know it was a weird it’s been a weird year a
weird year and lots of kind of complicated stuff and having quite a a
prolonged period of time where I wasn’t marketing myself virtually at all a little bit but obviously then the
business took a bit of a hit from that and feeling a bit Yeah a bit stuck so I
don’t know the last month or so I’ve been trying to get back into stuff and uh boost my confidence back up and all
that all that jazz um yeah so that’s kind of where I’m at that’s been a bit
of a weird year right I mean like there’s lots of like positiv St lots of everyone’s
journey is different you know but like I’m reflection for myself lots of positives uh some self-reflecting like
you just said there about marketing I’ve really tried to uh I’ve really tried to
sort of pick myself up from that from from feeling the effects of not putting that effort in over the years and being
around people who I see are absolutely reaping the rewards of point that it’s really changed my perspective and like
you can’t and it’s weird is it because you sort of thinks of where the hell did you get the work from and I’ve said many times like for me excuse me the ptps have always been
like a really good income stream for me um and then it’s just repeat clients Etc so I’ve just got along doing that but
and now I’ve come off all the p2ps I’m I’m on the sites but I’m not paying any premiums yeah come off them all and I’ve relied heavily on you know uh website
repeat clients in a bit of here and then it’s it’s a tougher grind but it’s more it’s more rewarding definitely so I
think mine’s always been a bit of a mix U but leaning more towards direct clients um so yeah I’ve not I’m not I
think I came in at slight a different time and I think p2ps have changed quite a lot in the last few years yeah um even
from when you started when I started um so yeah you’ve got to be diverse haven’t you in your income streams yeah yeah but
it’s been I think yeah like on reflection overall I’m back in France I came back last week so this is hopefully
going to be I’ve got to go back to uh man well we’re both going back to Manchester in January for that or you going to the social uh the the big well
we’ve had the big news about one voice come haven’t we yeah and ah the quaffers are low Michael well got to be honest so
me and Steph we’re going to we’re going back to America in early April to see a
family oh wow and to be able to try so you know and that’s that’s to fly to Detroit that’s a that’s not a cheap do
we’re going to be spending two and a bit weeks there so by the time we come back it’s the that with the our end of April
and then to try and pay for one voice as well it’s like I think it might be just a bit too much who knows it might knows
who knows who knows so but if that is the case America is going to come after
come um take precedence over war of course yeah um whereas yeah I think uh I
might well I want to go to one voice because I want all the learning as well as all the social so I might not be able to come in January B yeah I’m looking
forward to I think they’ve put on a really great great um event they’re such good people as well you yeah and it’s I
I hope I mean I don’t know what the long-term plans are but I hope for them it’s a resounding success and it’s something they can do annually yes
defitely it’s nice having up in the north isn’t it this uh yeah different for us well for us well obviously not
just us I think it’s quite a lot of us in the north uh well I say that what am I talking about I’m in [ __ ]
France yeah but in my head you’re still Manchester so yeah take a while for me to get to remember that that you’re
actually in a different country times I forget myself it’s because obviously Steph being American and uh we speak
English in the house all the time Sophia she obviously she’s French but she speaks English and she’s picked up the
American accent of her mom so we all just speak English all the time yeah so it’s only when we go out it’s like [ __ ] I’m in
France but yeah no so it’s yeah sometimes I forget but uh Christmas are you done you’ve got everything sorted or
for Christmas [ __ ] no um well no that’s not fair I feel I’m almost there but I’m
in the stage now where you’re just I don’t know about you but I like panick about everything like having enough present for the kids and like my brain
is just I feel quite manic in all honesty um I went for a run this morning
and I was like I needed to I didn’t want to I needed to because I felt so bloody manic you found that really therapeutic
I really do and I have to force myself some days like today but God I feel better when I’ve done it I can’t mind
going for a run I can’t run a bath never mind run my legs Jesus Christ so no I’m
kind of like I’m at um I’m at the point where I’ve got most of my things the problem I’ve had is there were some
things that I didn’t buy before I left for France um which I still need to order which is fine there’s enough time to do
it but what Steph’s main present U obviously I can’t say what it is [Laughter]
now but it’s a it’s a it’s a large item should we say and um I couldn’t fit it
in my I thought might to fit it in my suitcase turns out I misjudged it dramatically so then it was like well I
can check it in on the plane but you know what they’re like at airports like it just like throw stuff around like rugby ball yeah so I was like I’m so
intrigued so I didn’t want to chance that so I’ve had to get it air mailed um and it’s still in God that cost like the
same as the bloody present well no no to be fair Roma pretty good it was 22 quid and this is like this is like this is a
15 kilo item so uh I was really impressed by that it’s just Customs I’m waiting for that surprise is it like a
statue of you is it like trying to guess cges okay right
yeah so it’s anyway so I paid for it it got collected on uh Saturday just gone so it said 3 to 5 days so it’s check
checking the updates it’s just one I minute it’s like you just think please don’t go missing or any of that garbage
yeah so oh you got time do you work over Christmas well it’s funny you said that actually cuz I had an email from you
know the Christmas adver I did for uh craft Pub yes yeah so the people that did that with we are the Allies he uh
the guy rck contacted me really cool advert I hopefully it looks like I’m going to get get it it’s a very just a
lot of fun very cool advert anyway you email me before saying looks like it’s going to get postponed to Jan are you
available and I was like and I I was saying this to Steph before like when it comes to Christmas time like availability I don’t really have an off
switch because if we’re home if I get an email someone says can you record this I go no it’s it’s different circumstan
isn’t it so like last like we usually go to my parents or do a lot of family stuff and this year it’s just the four
of us at home this year which is lovely but I’m available so I be available apart from Christmas day
yeah with but nobody’s going to contact you on Christmas day so yeah cled the days around that generally I mean I know
it’s important to have some off I think it is important and but I think it’s also kind of where I’m at I’m like actually that’d be useful if I can be of
use to clients and they need people last minute I’m I’m here for that whereas other years I won’t be so it just
depends yeah so I just said to I said listen look I’ve I’ve sort of made the decision that I will be you know the
studio is at home so I’ll be around I can just hop in the booth and record if need be um so we’ll see but yeah but but
what also I found interesting uh in during the Christmas period is how people reach out to their existing
clients and stuff like so do you do you send out any newsletters any so I
traditionally I traditionally do a uh a video oh like a video message
well I did one in 2022 yeah I did one in 2022 she’s not with this but sorry no
I’m just talking about deceased royalty should carry on let’s talk about dead people yeah uh yeah so I I am very
disorganized as here but my plan is still to do that but I would have to send it out like today or tomorrow and
it’s I mean the open rates are they’re not massive but you know people do look at it and it it’s a genuine I want to
wish them well and I’ve not sent out cards um and no one’s getting any gifts this year either so it’s it’s not been
my most organized of years uh but [ __ ] it I’m having to let that go I’m having to be like you know what it’s it is what
it is no one is going to miss it well why don’t you just the one I did in 2022 I just stuck it on Instagram and it was
just like an open thank yeah well I mean I’m going to put on YouTube like I normally do and send it around and that’s that’s what I plan to do but I’m
just you know letting go of the idea of wanted to send cars wanted to do gifts no one’s getting them but that’s okay it
is what it is merry Christmas I got you Merry Christmas no it’s the thought that
counts though it’s not like my clients are really going to miss a card from me is it they like oh Shooks I’ve not got one
from that woman well this is the thing so you say that and don’t say that no no no no no whilst that’s largely true no
one is going to be like where’s my card off J [ __ ] yeah never working with her again she’s on the naughty
list but what I do know is that definitely doing little things like that does make a difference it really I
really do believe that I think that’s why I’m frustrated and a bit you know having to work to let it go cuz I really
do think it helps yeah it’s nice we know as humans it’s nice to have that that interaction even if even if you know
you’re on a mailing list with you know a few hundred of the people getting that I’m like oh that’s nice that’s cool I do
always try and have a look at it and try and respond because people have put effort into that well last year I got my
first Christmas card off a CL I actually talking about that I went I I put a post
on social media about it’s just a carard like you don’t recognize what it represents though it’s the Gratitude of like thank you the effort of writing a
card is huge I’m buying a stamp and putting it in the post like it’s not a small task so I I don’t I can’t remember
which client it was but well done to them yeah it was mighty giant um did the stuff with the Regency stuff the project
me and Kelly working on which finally the lift is about to get lift the lid is about to get lifted on this character
that I’ve been playing or portraying for the last it’s only a corporate thing but it still it was loads of fun so they’ve
decided to go public with it and there’s going to be more stuff with him I can’t say it just yet but um yeah it was just
this cool character that I got to play or still play anyway they sent me the card any what it meant was I was like
well if I but I know I know every was different for me personally I was like this is great so I just thought if you do actually reach out to these people
you’ve worked with and give them a card it 100% I know I know I know Michael I
know yeah we don’t have to well maybe maybe it’s time it’s not going to happen it’s not going to happen this year and I have to accept that well you know what
even just a personalized email just to say and I’ve done this to everyone I’ve spoken to so far I’ve said look if I
don’t speak to this side of Christmas have a great Christmas in the new year we’ll catch up in Jan yeah that alone is
enough you know to mean it just it’s it’s just Curt but if you just just cuz I’m going to do it myself I’m going to
send out some emails on Friday excuse me and I’m just going to say listen you know uh thanks for what we’ve done this year ex actually look forward to that it
just it it makes a lot I know yeah I think it’s important to do that yeah so uh so yeah so that’s uh yeah so that was
something I’ve seen a few people around me do stuff like that and uh some people are so good at it and I think you know
some people have like proper personalized cards and have huge respect and I think next year I need to start thinking about it in like September time
um so that I’m ready to go in November it’s just a lot planning ahead isn’t it it’s a lot but you know it’s it doesn’t
move does it we know it’s coming every time so yeah so that’s uh so yeah for me for Christmas I’ve got pretty much
everything sorted we’re going to uh we’ve got uh Steph’s friend staying with us um uh for a couple of a couple of
weeks and we’re going off to Strasburg oh lovely we’re spending a couple of nights at the Christmas markets in
Strasburg which I am really looking forward to that’s exciting it’s like the old school you know proper traditional
Market no I’ve never been so yeah really looking forward to that and then so I just wanted to try and get a few loose ends tied up before we left because
obviously I wanted to make sure stuff was going to get delivered um so and then that’s did you have last Christmas
in France or is this your first one no it was first one yeah a cuz it was this it was this time last year me and Steph met oh God it that’s thought like you’ve
been long together longer than that I know I know it’s just gone super quick but it’s been a great year in that
respect you know and I I like I’ve enjoyed the Journey of like just going with it you know what I me I’m forun I
can do that you know so to be able you know what let’s just let’s just let’s explore this and let’s just see where it takes us and it’s taking me here and
it’s it’s fantastic it I’m grateful for that so we’re not going to do another
episode this side of Christmas so let’s talk about the traditional are not what’s your New Year’s resolutions
what’s what what what would you like to do differently next year that you maybe couldn’t do this year or you did this year you like to change anything have
you well before while we doing a bit of a wrapup have you got anything that you like like professionally that you were
really like what was your highlight or any highlights of oh easily the Ruby promo oh yeah that was really cool you
so excited about that as well I and you know what was really interesting about doing that and the lead up to that
coming out of Summer I had a really well to be fair even recently October the the the
ARs end of October was all right and then November was just like as if my email was blocked it was terrible like where is
everyone and then and then it started to pick up again towards November a little bit and you know December’s just sort of
trickled along but the similar thing happened back in the summer I think June and July were very very very quiet um
and anyway so what I did was I made a thing I was like I don’t care if it’s quiet I just had this determination uh and belief that I was
going to do a job which I felt internally was just going to be something epic and then I got contacted
from uh the rugby league directly their their production team CU they do everything in house and he said we’ve
got the rugby final coming up Old Trafford would you like to do the promo and I was and it was just absolutely
smack bang in exactly what I was hoping it would that sort of you know the Batman voice and I just ran with it and
I I mean obviously it’s nice when you upload something and people s much they enjoyed it but internally yeah yeah
that’s the biggest thing isn’t it when you feel like yes that is I got tremendously positive feedback but internally I was like that is one of the
best piece of work I’ve ever done I just loved it so yeah you’re entering then
for one voice oh 100% yeah yeah and do you know what it’s ironic in it cuz I’m
proud of that one I think some of the stuff I’ve been nominated for in the past I think it’s better than that and soot probably W yeah it’s always the way
isn’t it typical so yeah so that’s something I’m particularly proud of how about yourself um well I had a little
think about this and two things so it’s not been my favorite year
professionally and but a real highlight obviously was being nominated for voice over of the year yeah which was amazing
um but probably even bigger than that actually and this is so [ __ ] corny but was the people around me and like
the relationships I’ve built within the community because it hasn’t I’ve not been like on top of the world um and
I’ve had so many people who have reached out and supported me and offered advice or helped me do stuff or worked with me
on things or put me for you know like I can’t tell you how grateful I am for that and it really has got me through
some pretty shitty times at points um I’m so I’m really grateful emotional actually but yeah really grateful blame
I don’t blame you because I think you know I think I think this year maybe maybe part of the podcast has got
something to do but I feel like this year I’ve really connected with Vos that
we sometimes talk text on uh Instagram whatever we Forge sort of those digital relationships sort thing this year I
really felt like Forge proper relationship they come into like real life and like everyday life yeah it’s I
really really feel like that community that we always sing so highly pray so highly has really sort of leveled up and
it’s yeah the the the the um closeness that we’ve got with people is really like when we went to Vox for example
think about that actually yeah Vox was a great example of it there’s a picture of like there me you Scott uh Kim everyone
was on our table and we had a big group photo and it was uh it was just great
and it that to me really captured exactly how I felt like this great team of people yeah and there’s a lot more people who
weren’t in that picture but yeah absolutely it was just yeah epic really really nice so that for me has been a
highlight those two things yeah I think doing the Pod as well has been a big achievement oh same I mean [ __ ] me it’s
been hard at times and like you and I have been like all right stop contacting
me but it really has I think you know we’ve talked about this quite a few times I won’t go into it but obviously
the intention with this was always to create something we’re not trying to reinvent the wheel we just be us yeah take that you know take that voiceover
costume off and just just be your true self you know but as while still talking about the industry and our jobs Etc and
I’m really glad that for those people that like that sort of format really got it you know to mean and it’s it’s and I
think it’s amazing sorry to interrupt you but like even like now like when you hear that somebody has it’s meant
something to somebody like it’s made them feel a bit better and a bit more connected and that’s exactly what we wanted and I’m so proud of that
absolutely and I think I find it really therapeutic as well yeah and you forget sometimes you like say some [ __ ] and it
go and you forget sometimes you put it out there and you know thousands of people might hear it I don’t even contemplate that cuz it you still you
know you still as long as you just I have had that slight Panic though you know you’ve had like a really honest episode and then you kind of forget
about it and you’re like oh [ __ ] what did I actually say sometimes I think I’m a bit too honest for me on good
but well that’s just who I am as a person I just doing with [ __ ] and if you know I’m not offensive I’m not like
don’t set out to hurt anyone or anything like that um I just can’t do with [ __ ] so like my opinion comes off as
a bit Raw it’s not you know it’s not not meant with any malice or anything but I do find the whole thing very therapeutic
which is why there’s other people that we’ve spoke to like when it was at One Voice or at Vox or if it’s DMS people
have said oh you know I really enjoy what you do I always said well do one yourself it’s really like for some people that have said they’ve got
something from it where the relatability or whatever they enjoy listening I encourage people to try and look at doing something themselves or get in
contact like you know have a chat with about it you know let’s um let’s connect um so next year yeah how are you feeling
you know what I’m not going to lie I’m feeling pretty good yeah I’m like I’m not not like I don’t mean that in like a like a big Ed sort of way just I just
feel I just feel positive like you know I’ve already got a well I’ve got some
stuff lined up for January which is looking forward to yeah yeah but the
lineup aside just my mentality going into work next year um yeah I just feel
quite I don’t I feel quite relaxed about it all I feel like I’ve got there’s decent foundations that have been built
that I’ve spent time with over the years um which I feel like they are quite solid now and they’re only just going to
over time just get stronger um and I’m looking forward to the prospects of working out in France because you know
there’s uh there’s a couple of companies I’ve started uh working with who you know there might be some more
opportunities it’s just yeah I’m I’m feeling good I’m feeling good I’m I’m optimistic I am that’s so lovely that’s
a really nice place to be how about yourself um I I’m kind of feeling
optimistic I’m feeling determined because it has been a bit [ __ ] and a lot of that is my own
doing and my own mentality and stuff and not feeling brilliant about myself and I’m feel like I’m going to get some
[ __ ] systems in place trying to get some good habits and all that stuff and I think if I am doing the whole
consistent marketing that will massively help because it’s about that respect and feel like is doing yourself Justice and
I think that’s the biggest thing for me is the frustration that I don’t feel like I’m doing myself Justice um you
know I’ve been extremely lucky to be nominated for awards and stuff which is like okay brilliant okay so I’ve got
something there I just need to be doing that consistently and I want to push myself and be like well actually what
can I achieve and so I’m I think I’m always a bit like well what’s next and
like how do I and try and take stock and feel appreciative but also what else can I do how you know what’s what’s next
have you got anything specific that like is is a like maybe a big objective
you’d like to try and get closer towards like for example for me for example I would really love to try and tap into um
well I really want I get more involved in the Audio Drama space desperately I’ve always wanted to do that but I’ve
always really wanted to do something towards like TV narration you know like those yeah off off the wall documentary
sort of things like you know like just you know light-hearted like the airport ones you know the camera falling I love
all that [ __ ] I can also see doing like the grittier like um you know disruption
in Manchester and I would love to explore that sort of work u i that’s a
great objective so it’s it’s there as but I don’t even I don’t even know what which direction to put my first foot
forward so it’s breaking it down isn’t it so if you know that’s your objective it’s like working through it and I feel
like the next couple of weeks I want to spend probably quite a lot of time working through that yeah that’s so
that’s for me so yeah so you got something of well I am currently working on my branding and uh I’ve been doing
this for a little while I think up put on socials about like having some going for photo shoot and having to be
cancelled and then having another one which kind of went okay it was a bit it’s been a bit turbulent um but working
towards that so in the next through two and a half months or so by February I’m
hoping to have a new website so you sticking with your name or you going with a brand name I’m sticking with my name but it’s the look and feel of it so
I’ve been yeah I’ve been working my brand for a long time like just by myself and then getting some support with the visuals and yeah someone
helping me build a better website because mine doesn’t reflect me very well so I’m excited for that um and I
know that you made great strides with your SE over summer didn’t you and I really need to do the same because I am
not being found via my website yeah it’s uh it’s definitely not um an overnight
solution but no it’s not it’s and it’s one of those things you just need to keep chipping away out and it’s I am I’m
resigned into that the chipping away but I feel like where I’m at now I need someone to help review it and cuz I
don’t feel like it’s actually done properly you know I wanted to kind of just check all the back end of it and all that stuff so I’m hoping that I’ll
be a strong start I really want to carry on with my mission to do more character work so um mainly games but also
animation and Audio Drama um just the character stuff that I love so continue coaching in that and yeah big big
objectives I’ve got some coaching with uh Emily Jardine in the beginning of February oh she’s amazing I’m coaching
with her at the moment yeah so I love the whole coaching spe do you know what honestly if I I’d love I actually can
see why some people get into coaching because I just I adore this indry industry so much and I love the nuances
of manipulating words and scripts to get a different sound and stuff one day down
in the future I would absolutely love to do something like that but in the meantime I’m enjoying going to be
looking at working with different coaches myself try and find you know just I think CU I think I’ve been a bit
complacent I talk all the time about how important how important it is to have a coach but I I primarily lean on when
you’re starting out you know to help you with your journey but I think obviously I always
say coaching is important as you continue to to grow and expand because you know it’s it’s important to sort of
uh keep teaching yourself stuff but I’ve been a little bit complacent on it so I made a conscious effort um to really
sort of change that so like Tim was talking a lot about Darren Street yeah um I’d like to work with him I’d like to
try and coing with yeah and I’d like to try some coaching with Tanya like I think it’s important to sort of try
different yeah coaches see their perspective because you know everyone’s got an opinion of who they like working
with and who they’ve not enjoyed working with but that’s it’s definitely a personal thing oh 100% I think we talked about this quite a lot before haven’t we
100% personal um so one of the things I love coaching with Emily for and i’ it’s
not been doing very very long um but it’s an opportunity as well in these
these sessions whoever you’re with to play yeah and get to do what you love
doing and you know we spend a lot of time marketing and sometimes not as much time recording as we’d like so actually
getting to act and perform and work on that craft is such a gift it’s just a joy and I come away from every session
and I had the same with them stepan cornard but I did coaching with him because I’m getting to act for an you know an hour a week whatever how often
you do it and cimoy absolutely buzzing so it’s just yeah I mean if nothing else you’re doing it for the love of it yeah
100% And I think I just it’s it’s being able to offer something more to my clients like I’m not suggesting that I’m
going to suddenly just become like a new um new like establish a new style of
voice over anything but I just want to really I want somebody to listen and critique me and go you you know you
think about this or think about because if you don’t know how you going to do it yourself you know what I mean it’s it’s understanding your own voice as well and
own own capabilities and yeah pushing that a little bit if you can but so I’m looking forward to yeah that’s exciting
yeah just just get some coach under the belt uh get feel like get refreshed a little bit get some fresh perspective
fresh ears listening to myself yeah may be picking up on things I’ve missed and fine tuning certain elements yeah and
then uh I’m just a bit unsure about getting a new real done cuz what I do is I’m getting a new commercial one hopefully well I tend to do it every
other year because in the mid that’s quite frequent again we’ve talked about haven’t we but it does seem quite frequent well it’s only because like the
cost like what best part of 500 quid a re and I don’t think you need to get a fresh one done every year so what I tend
to do and things yeah so what I do is uh so the last one was 23 and last year
what I did was I just had a collection of radio ads that I did had that put into a reel and now for 25 I’d probably
look to get another Studio demo done but this time around if I’m going to do that I might even look at writing my own
scripts cuz I think who knows you better than you yeah and I think if you can pull together some curate five or six
scripts that you know that you can absolutely leather it and be like fully in your comfort zone you may as well go
for it and if you’re then if you’re working with a producer who can then offer little bits of feedback as on being like actually you don’t need to do
that or um you know I mean you know they can help shape it so when I did my gaming Reel with Martin Fisher last year
was it last year Sonic Pond yeah sonic Pond um I started writing some of stuff
myself and I worked with Jess ning as well to write other ones and it was really interesting showing Martin he was
like yeah but you don’t need you’re not writing a scene it’s just a tiny of a scene so I kind of want to get you know
beginning middle and an end and what’s the what’s the character’s Jenny he like no it’s just 10 seconds or 15 seconds of
a clip like Midway through or you know a point and I was like oh [ __ ] yeah and I’ve written like these one minute
monologues um which is useful in itself to get into the character and all that
stuff but that’s why releas things separately as well so I could have longer excerts so I could kind of demonstrate that as well speaking of
monologues I definitely think we should revisit those scenes that we used to do yeah scenes that was and stick with that
um in the moment setting that we did like we literally went on that site Mon Mon monolog yeah found a
scene read it we’re happy with the format yet bang let’s go it was just total s didn’t even read it it was like
I’m fine we should let’s just do it total sight read no practice no nothing the site reading is a good one’s practice Yeah I think uh we definitely
should do more of that because yeah I’ve got so many objectives like the commercial demo I want to improve my general American like it’s okay want to
make sure it’s like on point so many things I want to do I do you know what you made a good point there I always quite I quite dismissive
when it comes to Accents cuz I always have this quite it is kind of a defeat attitude where I’m just like I’m not very good at them and I still kind of
Stand by that but I feel like I should I owe it to myself to go okay at least try
and improve it yeah at least try because you know it’s good thing to have in your repertoire if you can flick on like I
always do like a standard generic American accent and obviously Steph being American she where the [ __ ] are
you from oh dear yeah but it’s like when Steph
does English it’s always the Mary Poppins hello like you know oh yeah didn’t she come on and do that one point
yeah yeah it was oh funny it’s like the best of the podcast but she has start picking up some um more Northern things
like I say but but but so she little thing she’s picking up on when she’s
saying things Northern twang but yeah so accents definitely I would like to I
think I owe it to my let’s do some monolog in our general American practice I’m not sure I’d want
those to go straight up finished recording she upload it like and
delete and I’ll be really proud of mine you be like nope yeah so yeah so I kind of feel like
it’s just yeah I next year it’s kind of more of the same but bigger better no I
need to calm down just maybe slightly more refined maybe try and actually
actually try and I mean you don’t need a new year in a resolution to to I like having OB though I think that helps ex
exactly it’s it’s just having that yeah it’s just it’s drawing a line of the stand and being like okay yeah that
wasn’t great but let’s you know pull our big girl pants on and be like here we go start again but you see again it’s not
starting again you know what I mean I think perspective is important because you said before like it’s not been a great year for certain reasons but on
the flip side I would say that like for example that not you you’ve been hankering for one of these nominations
for a while and to get the like the big one I’ve been hankering for one of this we about we’ve talked before about one
voice and stuff well I’ve been nominated for other things I well I mean like the voice over of the year like the I’ve
that is never it was never in my sights before I have to say that is that’s a hell of an achievement so oh I do it’s I
think it’s a massive achievement I don’t undersell that but yeah it was I never thought it’d happen so that’s why it was
uh but yeah always been so is baa though so I’ve got a long list of awards I’d
like to achieve in my life yes so I think you know stuff like that I think I’m reflection you know for few yourself
like there’s definitely a lot of positiv I think it’s keeping going as well I think that’s you know it’s like you know
what let’s just keep going keep going and I have one of my problems as you probably heard from my objectives I’m saying myself for next year I go too big
yeah and be like well how are you going to achieve all those 20 different things actually just focus on a couple and then
really go for it but I get excited yeah same well speaking of getting excited should we uh should we uh should we just
like so yeah we are going to do a season three we’re doing a season three we are doing a season three yeah I did not know
where you’re going with that like I thought you know what I’m going to yeah I didn’t either it just kind of did not
go to and your face went really weird like what is happening yes season three woohoo we’re going to yeah we just we
love doing this so much and we love you know the like sort of there’s an entertainment side of it where we like
to have a bit of fun we enjoy the feedback of other people enjoying it as well but we are whilst we’re not really going to change anything in general we
are mix I’m not going to say anymore but we are going to mix up a little bit as to who we talk to let’s put it that way
yeah uh just to try and keep it fresh and interesting and and we’re hoping to get it out spring aren’t we so you
hopefully won’t have too long a wait but obviously it depends on Spring no we’ll have it way before that I’m being
generic that’s I think we’re going to try and start mapping out in January aren’t we
yeah I was trying to be vague I’m just the yeah the only thing is I think yeah I think uh yeah anyway we don’t need to
go too much into all that but yeah with with we’re going to continue we’re going to continue because we love it and we
enjoy that other people enjoy it as well if it if it gives something back or something a little bit of a a little Ray that’s good is it absolutely so that’s
that is absolutely something I’m looking forward to for next year yes to continue this and see uh just see you know just
continue to see where it takes us and there’s some other great ones like Kim and um Lizzy Lizzy they I so I I’ve only
listened to the first episode cuz I like binging stuff I’m so it’s like there’s a new show on Sky called Day of the Jackal
with Eddie R flipping not show is we don’t have Sky
I’d like to see it though it’s 10 episodes but there was like every next one every Thursday was like oh come on I
know it’s like old school is it when you’re like a kid yeah ridiculous so so by same with a couple ones so I listened
to the first one I was like I’ll just wait till they all come out and then I can just sit and listen to them so I’ve not I’ve really enjoyed it really not
and it probably similar to hours and the fact that it just feels like you’re having a a chat with somebody or you’re just having a listen and really nice and
because um I have huge respects for both of them and they’re quite different to me and sometimes when I’m um I know Kim
a bit better than Lizzie um and Kim is very good at standing up for herself and
other Vos in terms of like uh rates and all sorts of things and I I really look up to her as well and that so when I’m
feeling a bit like oh I’m not sure maybe I should do this I’m like well what would Kim do in this situation so yeah I feel like they’re
good people to look up to as well yeah yeah so um they they gave us a I hav’t
heard it yet but you said that they gave us a nice little shout out no on social media W it they tagged us on something on so was it you put something up I put
I just put thank you up because I was really nice so we appreciate that folks if you’re listening that that was really really kind of you and uh yeah so so
yeah I’m going to look forward to listening to their and there you know there are so many other little um little there are so of other voiceover podcasts
that are knocking about that’s just great to dive into so it’s nice that everybody’s got like everyone’s got
something of their like unique to themselves me and it’s just enjoyable to listen to we can all sort relate to it
in different ways um and we’re going to carry on with the voice over of the week we are yeah absolutely please keep
sharing your [ __ ] yeah going to continue that I think that’s that’s been really well received and I think it’s just you
know I think it’s nice to just give something back and just uh just oh God yeah and like we don’t want to you know
it’s just nice to have the external validation is it sometimes and like you shouldn’t need it but it’s nice to get Pat in the back or like if I saw someone
at an event and I’d heard a piece that John thought it was going to tell them but you can’t always do that can you you know so it’s it’s nice to yeah shout
about other people’s work something that’s come up a little recently I’m glad it’s been mentioned more publicly
is this frustration that clients never tag Vios oh yeah the project man that
winds me up flipping when they got the long list of everybody it’s like you tag everybody like flipping tunner and it’s
like and what pisses me off about it more than anything else I’m just going to I did actually talk about this in season one and I took it all out I I
don’t give a [ __ ] anymore it pisses me off right because as a consumer as
others consumers when we watch an advert for example we only consume three things really it’s the the actors on the screen
the music and the voiceover that’s the only three things we actually consume they
guide us through the advert yeah it’s it’s all visuals isn’t it but yeah right but so and there’s such a selection
process on picking a voiceover it’s auditions short lists blah blah blah so
if that much attention to detail goes in picking the right voiceover why the hell does everybody get credited and not the
voiceover now if they don’t credit everybody then fine it’s when they credit everybody and leave out the vo
and for the life of me I cannot understand why I really can’t is it cuz
it’s not really something I’ve had but like do you find it’s the same clients that do it there are some bit ual
abusers of this problem there are there are loads of companies like do do for example I love working with those guys
they the the caras Soulfood advert we did in 2022 for Christmas with the be kind campaign that I voiced I got a
nomination for that they got a nomination for their their side of it and I got one for the voice and then it came back around um it was like the
second it was like around about the time it came out two years ago and they reposted it and they tagged me and they put like really nice
little yeah they’re excellent and they put a nice and I was like you know it was it was you didn’t have to do that
just makes you feel like makes you feel appreciated you were part of something with other people and that’s what’s lovely is you’re you feel part of it
don’t you part of the team because we’re so solitary like when you feel like you’re collaborating something as a creative it just yeah it makes your
heart feel happy yeah so I’m not yeah I’m not going to rant and Rave too much but I just cuz but I just I just cannot find
any logical reason why we’re going let’s ask some people I would love if if if yeah I mean I don’t know if they’ll
listen to it but if if you happen to be a video producer or content producer that tags everyone and never tags the
voiceover just why definely ask just I’d love to know but anyway no so my point was Pierre
mbush uh yeah mbush he he put a post about this on LinkedIn a couple of weeks
back basically saying you know we love working on your projects would you be so kind just to remember to credit the
voice over as well because it does help us and it does why did I go down this road I don’t know but I feel like you’ve
been waiting a long time to say that and maybe my chest Before Christmas it’s been like a
year or something you’ve wanted to say that oh God it’s just but it’s just also as well oh that was it yes because we do the V of the week and we something back
that was God you know what there’s one of those most satisfying things that when you forget what you were talking
about and then you remember remember it you’re like Hallelujah that is amazing but yeah know so he did this post and he
say look just please remember to sounds like really nice way of doing it as well rather being oi [ __ ] yeah me being
like so he did it a really nice way but he he’s right it’s because you know like whenever I do work I always always
always tag the company that produced it irrespective of whether I get a nod or not is irrelevant I always still do it
anyway I don’t always cuz sometimes they’re like don’t uh tag the end client in this yeah or you know it’s but yeah
sometimes it’s how it is so yeah so I just think in the S like we did the view of the week but it it would be nice if production companies could remember to
typ voiceovers cuz there’s so many great pieces work you hear and the voice over is excellent and there’s no oh yeah
reference to who it is yeah and it’s like I just anyway so yes well that’s off my chest anyway I’ve
got thing is and a high I know full well every single voiceover who listens to
this will probably agree with me yeah what we should start doing then as a community if we see a post with a where
the voiceover hasn’t been tagged and you can’t do it for yourself necessarily you might not want to but just say in the
comments oh sorry which is who’s the voice over for this yeah yeah that’s a really good Shout and we’ll just work together as an industry to try and raise
that will it look a bit [ __ ] cuz you can’t the problem with I say nicely you
say what an amazing ad I love the voice over can you let me know who it is please ah yeah but you know this is the thing in it like like you can say it
with intention but they’re just words on a screen it’s they could interpret that a completely different way well I’m going to do it if I see it I’m going to
ask it’s a great idea and I think that is one way to inst change yeah 100% that is a really good shout and I think if if
if more people do stuff like that inevitably well I say inevitably hopefully yeah over time it will
instigate change because they’re so used to being called out on it that they’ll just start doing it organically you know
yeah that’s actually a really good idea yeah all right well I think that might be a great way to leave it there yes
finish it on a let’s let’s all gather together as a community and instigate change yeah let’s do that Mikey have an
amazing Christmas and New Year lots of love to Steph obs yeah thank you very
much yeah and yourself and your family and have a great Christmas and everyone listening as well want to give you a big
cuddle cuddle to friends dig cuddle there you um to everyone that’s listening to us uh uh we sincerely hope
you have an excellent Christmas and New Year Happy and healthy and we’ll see you back in 20 2025 see you in 202 2025
folks have an excellent Christmas and New Year and we’ll see you lots of love season 3 bye

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voiceover podcast michael ashtiany jen lawton hunt off air voiceover podcast
With a voice that is warm, trustworthy, conversational, friendly, corporate, upbeat, casual, and engaging, I bring your scripts to life with versatility and authenticity.