Ai Voiceover vs Human Voiceover: 5 Key Reasons Why The ‘Bots Aren’t Better!

I’m not against AI, I think there are many great things it has allowed us to do in our personal and professional lives much easier. I use it for my SEO work and it’s a great help when browsing or using my phone.

Inevitably though, when something comes along that has the potential to threaten people’s jobs there is going to be a concern. Creatives of various forms have seen an impact in their work, from content creators using AI to generate images instead of employing graphic designers, or the new wave of AI generated video meaning some video creators are being asked less for their services, or of course, AI voiceover affecting some Voice Artists and Actors.

However, like in all those examples, If you’ve worked with Ai generated content you’ll no doubt have seen the bizarre stuff it throws out; hands and limbs that defy all logic, video that in a lot of cases is quite unsettling, and the voices that just feel difficult to listen to.

My point being is, for all it’s clever tricks and abilities in web browsing, phone tech and data driven work, creatively, there is something that AI just simply can’t do, and that is be human and invest those emotions that go with it. I don’t feel any imminent threat to my work from Ai and haven’t seen a downturn from any clients I’ve worked with as alot of that work requires emotion, such as this piece for Royal School of Music

But, to make this point best, i’ll let ChatGPT tell you why human voices are very much here to stay 😏

1. Emotional Authenticity

Human voiceovers convey genuine emotions that AI voices struggle to replicate. The nuances in tone, inflection, and delivery that a human voice naturally provides can create a deeper emotional connection with your audience, making your message more impactful.

2. Versatility and Adaptability

A professional human voiceover artist can adapt their performance based on feedback, script changes, or specific brand needs. Unlike AI, which is limited to pre-programmed responses, humans can adjust their delivery to match the intended mood, context, and audience, ensuring a perfect fit every time.

3. Personalization and Creativity

Human voiceover artists bring creativity and personality to their work, adding unique touches that make a brand’s message stand out. This level of personalization is something AI voices can’t achieve, as they lack the ability to interpret and creatively respond to a script.

4. Cultural Sensitivity and Understanding

Humans understand cultural nuances and can deliver voiceovers that resonate with specific audiences. This awareness ensures that your message is culturally appropriate and well-received, something that AI, which can misinterpret or overlook subtleties, might miss.

5. Trust and Credibility

Consumers are more likely to trust and engage with a human voice, which feels more relatable and credible. An AI voiceover, while improving, can still come off as robotic or unnatural, potentially weakening the impact of your message and the trustworthiness of your brand.

Cheers ChatGPT, appreciate the honesty 😉

If you want to listen to more examples of human performances, have a listen to some of my Web Commercials and particularly the ad for Caritas that I did, which is a heart warming true story of someone who went from homeless and hopeless, to rescued and saved

And if you require any demo reads of your own script, don’t hesitate to Get in Touch

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A professional voiceover can transform your message and make your brand stand out from the competition. With a carefully selected voice, you can enhance your brand identity and create emotional connections with your audience, resulting in increased trust, credibility, and audience engagement.
With a voice that is warm, trustworthy, conversational, friendly, corporate, upbeat, casual, and engaging, I bring your scripts to life with versatility and authenticity.